Here are two related questions from our What’s Next webinar of a fortnight ago, both arising out of government consultations in connection with possible further diversity reporting obligations. Since the webinar the government has issued a response to the consultation around ethnicity pay reporting which implies strongly that there won’t be any legislation on that … Continue Reading
To its critics positive discrimination is a set of benefits and privileges reserved for minorities. BAME inclusion events and initiatives designed to encourage BAME job applicants are frequently found in the firing line. It’s a pretty dynamite topic which evokes feelings of victimisation, unfairness and inequity and can stunt enthusiasm for diversity in the workforce.… Continue Reading
At present there is no legal obligation to do anything more with your pay gap than publish it on your website, not necessarily accompanied by any form of explanation or other comment at all. Most employers caught by the current gender pay gap regulations (about 10,000 of them) have added some form of narrative, but … Continue Reading
Inevitably in diversity discussions, the topic of women on Boards or in other senior leadership positions will come up. Quite right too. Despite some progress in this area (the proportion of women on the Boards of the largest listed companies across the EU more than doubled from 10% in 2005 to 22% in 2015), it … Continue Reading
A marketing firm has caused a degree of consternation, together with some publicity for itself, by advertising for a role and stipulating that applicants must be dyslexic. The advert included a photograph of Apple founder Steve Jobs, who was dyslexic, and stated that the firm required people with a “unique mind, so only dyslexics (like … Continue Reading
For every indication that workplace equality between the sexes is getting closer, there seems to be another that the glass ceiling is still very much in place in all walks of working life. In the same week that France’s Finance Minister, Christine Lagarde, became the first woman to be appointed Head of the International Monetary … Continue Reading