Charles Frost

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Social Media: When Generation Z meets Real World

Oh dear, such good intentions but it lasted less than a week. 17-year-old Paris Brown resigned from her £15,000-a-year post as “adviser on youth” to Kent Police Commissioner Ann Barnes after the media discovered her various tweets about sex, drugs, alcohol and her online use of derogatory and discriminatory terms. Brown apologised for her “inappropriate” comments and noted … Continue Reading

Humble pie, Murdoch and the UK Bribery Act

Toxic debts are just so 2010. The contamination caused by corporate bribery and corruption will be keeping many more Chief Executives awake at night as they watch rolling news reports of Rupert Murdoch’s humble apologies for corporate misbehaviour whilst his wife attacks a protestor intent on doing him grievous bodily harm with a plate of … Continue Reading

The UK Bribery Act – a whole new ball game?

Putting a bus squarely through the proposition that justice must not just be done but be seen to be done, FIFA announced on Monday that it would not be initiating ethics proceedings against any of its executives, including one Jack A. Warner, on the basis that there was nothing to investigate.  Nothing? Really? A bold … Continue Reading