The great British Summer has come and gone once more (one morning last week, I think, but I may have missed it), still no British winner at Wimbledon and only England’s cricketers striking a jarring note by actually winning something.  So what else is new?

Every cloud has a silver lining, and Squire Sanders Hammonds is delighted to bring you from Monday next week the Employment Law Cloud, an interactive and practical iPhone app providing instant legal and HR solutions for all businesses with employees in the UK.

Free to download from the iTunes app store, the Employment Law Cloud works on iPhones and iPads and provides a quick reference guide to essential HR and legal facts in all the key areas of English Employment law.  Easy to navigate even without Jeremy Clarkson, key features include:

  • push notifications of new developments in Employment law, making sure that you have all the latest information as soon as it is released;
  • unique interactive calculators which provide the facility to email redundancy/maternity dates/severance pay details from wherever you are;
  • detailed and interactive checklists allow any manager, in-house Legal or HR professional instant access to step-by-step guides for disciplinary and grievance meetings;
  • photos and contact details for UK and international L&E partners, HRPlus and Business Immigration;
  • details of our UK L&E training program and the facility to request bespoke training sessions;
  • an iPhone version of our Essential HR Legal Facts Guide.

The app also provides a host of other great features, all specifically designed to provide the first genuinely useful legal and HR solutions for your iThing.  It is a market-leader and the essential app for English Employment law advice. We are very proud of it.