As 2019 has come to an end, it is time for employers to get ready for 2020. Below we present a short summary of changes in Polish employment law, covering such areas as salaries, taxes, benefits and employee litigation.… Continue Reading
Squire Patton Boggs presents a webinar to provide an overview of the past year’s most significant labor and employment decisions and emerging areas of the law in the United States. On 5 December 2018 at 4 p.m. GMT (5 p.m. CET, 11 a.m. EST, 8 a.m. PST) Jill Kirila, our US Labor & Employment Practice … Continue Reading
So now you have published your gender pay gap statement and added the traditional narrative treading the thin line between acknowledgement of the gap and denial that it represents evidence of any unlawful discrimination. Well done so far, but if the UK Government has its way, that is only the beginning.… Continue Reading
So the “new look” 5th April, how was it for you….? Did you spend the day on “hold” as you scrabbled to use up your remaining ISA allowance? Were you locked in a room with your payroll provider getting all hot and bothered, or are you saving that for later in the month? Or are … Continue Reading
We recently ran a webinar on the new gender pay gap reporting obligations coming into force in the UK in April. During and since the webinar we have been asked a number of questions about how the new reporting obligations will work. Here are some of these questions and our outline answers. Will group reporting … Continue Reading
So here they are, out yesterday, a strange parallel universe where months last 30.44 days and years 365.25, and where you don’t include pay for periods of leave except when you do. In past blogs here we have criticised Government Regulations and statutory Guidance as too vague, leaving employers unclear whether they are caught by … Continue Reading
Today (10 November) is “Equal Pay Day” in the UK. It marks the day in the year when the average full-time working woman in the UK effectively stops earning compared to the average full-time working man because of the gender pay gap. The gender pay gap is the difference between men and women’s average earnings. … Continue Reading
Tuesday April 12 was Equal Pay Day, just one of the many days this year that placed equal pay in the news. We’ve already apprised you about California’s stringent amendment to the Fair Pay Act and the legal requirements it imposes. In case you missed it, Glassdoor just published a study [PDF] based on more … Continue Reading
So there they are, the draft Regulations proposed to implement gender pay gap reporting. No doubt there will be a storm of flak from all directions over these, from employers because compliance requires a considerable amount of work and from unions and employees because the Regulations have no legal teeth – there is no penalty … Continue Reading
A week ago, President Barack Obama announced further efforts by the White House and EEOC to combat gender pay equality issues. The momentum from last week’s announcement carried its way up the coast from the District of Columbia to the state legislature of New Jersey. Yesterday, New Jersey’s Senate Labor Committee approved Senate Bill 992 … Continue Reading
The California legislature has amended California’s Fair Pay Act to close the pay gap between men and women. While this law looks tough for employers in California, many companies already have embraced pay equity as an opportunity. Touting pay equity appears to be a new trend as demonstrated by the actions of The Gap, Go … Continue Reading
The beginning of 2016 is a busy year for New York employers. Both the state and New York City have enacted a variety of laws expanding protections for employees. Employers need to review their policies to ensure they are in compliance. NEW YORK STATE Effective January 19, 2016, the New York State Human Rights Law … Continue Reading
One of the hottest UK employment law topics of recent times is that of equal pay. Recent press coverage has focussed on claims that the disparity in pay levels is such that on average women effectively work for free from 9 November each year when compared to the remuneration packages of their male colleagues. A … Continue Reading
The Government has today launched a consultation on its commitment to introduce regulations to require private and voluntary sector businesses with at least 250 employees in Great Britain to publish gender pay gap information. A gender pay gap shows the difference between the average earnings of men and women as a percentage of men’s earnings. … Continue Reading
Gender is a hot topic in the business world at the moment – and nowhere more so than in Japan. Back in January, Prime Minister Abe gave a special address at Davos in which he announced his intention to make Japan “a place where women shine.” This week, he announced his Growth Strategy setting out … Continue Reading