For those who missed it last time, here is another chance to sign-up for the 1st February conference of the Civil Mediation Council from 3pm at Lloyds of London.

This conference is aimed at HR and legal practitioners considering the introduction of mediation as a proactive part of dispute resolution in their workplace, but who may be concerned or curious about the process of doing so successfully. How do you get past corporate inertia or management/employee preference for the comfort of familiar old grievance procedures, even though they generally produce only legal outcomes and not real resolutions? What is the answer to the common push-back that you could go through the mediation process and still not be guaranteed a solution, or that it merely allows one party to delay the formal process?

We are delighted to be invited to speak at this important session. Our presentation combines employment law principles with our mediation qualifications to focus specifically on the benefits which an employer can obtain from the offer of mediation in a workplace dispute even if one party or the other is unwilling or no agreement is reached. We will be sharing a platform with a number of household names, including Acas, Tesco, Sony and the BBC.

The CMC tells us that over 100 people have signed up already – spaces are limited so please use the link above as soon as possible if you wish to join them at what promises to be a lively and informative event.