A number of changes were introduced across the Gulf Cooperation Council states during the course of 2022 (several of which have now been implemented, while some are due to take effect later in 2023). In this article, the first of a short series covering those changes, we provide a brief summary of the key employment … Continue Reading
The UAE authorities announced late last year that in Federal Government departments from 1 January 2022 the working week would be reduced to four and a half days, with the weekend running from Friday afternoon to Sunday night. The authorities also confirmed that all schools and universities would operate from Monday to Friday on the … Continue Reading
Unlike many other regions in the world the Middle East is characterised by a diverse range of nationalities and different cultures. Official estimates suggest that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) alone are host to some 200 different nationalities. Put in context, such diversity is both an enormous challenge and an opportunity for business. HR functions … Continue Reading