Every employer believes, whether it has any actual experience of the matter or not, that GPs are too willing to sign people off sick. Whether the certificate says back pain, URTI (sore throat), anxiety or depression, the employer just knows that the GP has signed a medical certificate for an easy life, is in collusion … Continue Reading
An employer that could not show that there were objective grounds for terminating the trial period of an employee who was away on sick leave at the time was found guilty of discrimination against him on the grounds of ill-health. In this case, an employee complained about the surprising co-incidence of his taking a period … Continue Reading
Another survey to depress (though not surprise) employers came out this week, this time about the prevalence of skiving, the time-honoured practice of taking time off work on false pretences. Reported on both the BBC News and hereisthecitynews websites, the Price Waterhouse Cooper survey suggested that a full third of UK workers would admit to … Continue Reading