Statistically-speaking, your CEO is difficult, challenging, demanding, at times unreasonable and also stands a reasonable chance of being part psychopath, so says a recent report, almost. A new study of 261 senior professionals in the US has found that more than one in five (21%) can technically be classed as psychopaths, which is apparently the … Continue Reading
Germany is considered a leading industrial nation in many areas of business and technology but when it comes to law and formal requirements it is still rather traditional. For entrepreneurs doing business in Germany for the first time this may come as a surprise. German legal practice still widely depends on original handwritten signatures and … Continue Reading
Ever agonised about just how far you should go when responding to a reference request? Full disclosure and get it off your chest or go for the quiet life and issue yet another bland and useless statement of employment dates and job title? Employers providing a reference owe a duty of care both to the … Continue Reading