Tag Archives: recruitment

How deaf is too deaf? – Chief Constable of Norfolk v Coffey

Ruled upon by the EAT at the end of last year, Coffey marks a significant but ultimately unsurprising precedent in terms of perceived disability cases in the UK. The case is the first directly to address the issue of perceived disability discrimination under the Equality Act 2010 and confirms that an employer cannot treat an … Continue Reading

Webinar: Setting off on the right foot – key concerns about starting the employment relationship in the UK

Squire Patton Boggs and pre-employment screening specialists ADP present a webinar focussing on the common issues arising at the start of the employment process. On 10 October 2017 at 4.00 p.m. UK time, David Regan and Annabel Mace from Squire Patton Boggs and ADP Pre-Employment Screening Manager Kevin Stone will consider: Pre-employment screening Why do … Continue Reading

The Accidental Leader

“Accidental leader – a long-serving employee who has spent all or a significant part of their career at one company and is promoted to the top job primarily on the basis of their loyalty, length of service and company knowledge” Some of us have experienced receiving a corporate communication on a Friday informing us that … Continue Reading

Webinar: Setting off on the right foot – key concerns about starting the employment relationship

Squire Patton Boggs and pre-employment screening specialists ADP present a webinar focussing on the common issues arising at the start of the employment process. On 27 September 2016 at 10.30 am BST, David Regan and Annabel Mace from Squire Patton Boggs and Lisa Lee from ADP will consider: Pre-employment screening Why do it? When is … Continue Reading

A blog of two halves – can Rooney tackle discrimination in UK football management?

The issue of discrimination in professional football has again come to the fore through public statements by Fifa Vice President Jeffrey Webb in The Guardian newspaper that such discrimination is “overt”. This time attention turns to the under-representation of ethnic minority managers in the English football leagues. In particular, the talk has focussed on the … Continue Reading

Merit is blind

Following on from a series of seminars we delivered in June about how to manage recruitment effectively, I read an interesting piece by Gillian Tett in the FT last week – “A pride that still dare not speak its name in business” (FT, Comments & Analysis, 20 June 2014).  Tett highlights how executives still feel … Continue Reading

Keys to Successful Hiring in the UK – Part 1

No recruiter wants “refund cases”, where the client is entitled to a partial refund due to an engagement ending prematurely. We know in the end we must somehow be responsible, even though in the great majority of cases the issues are out of our control.   JAC Recruitment has researched the causes behind early terminations of … Continue Reading

Why you should recruit entitled narcissists

Why should you seriously consider recruiting overconfident, entitled narcissists who still live with their parents, variously dubbed ‘Generation Y’ or the ‘New Millennials’?.   This is the generation of teens and twenty-somethings who have lived with new media from the start and have no fear of creating a near-celebrity persona online using YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.   … Continue Reading

Blog Post Feedback – MANY THANKS

I was very pleased to receive one of this blog’s first printable comments on our Penguin/Sombrero piece last week.  It is always reassuring to know that there are real readers out there!   Previous comments have included one ferociously racist in nature and a series of gently commendatory remarks which turned out to be spam for … Continue Reading

“A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say?”, and other interview questions

HereIsTheCitynews.com (HITCN) recently ran a piece on left-field recruitment interview questions, including the one in the title, “What kitchen utensil would you be?”, and the potentially lethal “On a scale from 1 to 10, rate me as an interviewer”.  Would you seriously want to tell the Employment Tribunal that your disputed selection decision between man … Continue Reading

It’s not looking good for successful recruitment

“Using a recruitment agency which specialises in the supply of attractive staff could be discriminatory”, warn lawyers.  Of course they do.   “Lookist” internet dating site beautifulpeople.com is launching a recruitment agency as a spin-off, according to the Telegraph online this week.  Employers wanting to fish in this particular pool, professionally-speaking, can advertise on the beautifulpeople … Continue Reading