Tag Archives: philosophical belief

How low can you go – getting over the bar to workplace protection for your beliefs (UK)

There are a multitude of decided cases concerning employees dismissed for exhibiting unattractive beliefs at work, but rather fewer about those sacked for the mere holding of them.  Particularly in view of this summer’s riots, that makes the EAT’s decision this month in Thomas -v- Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust a timely and … Continue Reading

Veganism as a protected belief – putting flesh on the bones for UK employers

Much noise in the press last week about the decision of the Norwich Employment Tribunal that veganism is a philosophical belief protected under The Equality Act, so the obvious question is what this all means in practice. First, less than it looks.  The decision applies to “ethical veganism” only, not a regime adopted on fashion … Continue Reading

I’m a believer

Most people understand what a religion is, so normally it is fairly clear who would be protected by the UK’s religious discrimination laws. Periodic prayer, some possible impact on food or clothing perhaps, and your not being the only one, you know the sort of thing. But what about “philosophical beliefs”, also potentially protected by … Continue Reading