Tag Archives: Facebook

Facebook Threat Against Union Member That He Will “get 2 black eyes” If He Crosses the Picket Line Is Not Unlawful According to the NLRB

On February 12, 2014, the National Labor Relations Board decided to continue to protect the right of union members to post freely on Facebook and this time, even finds that the Union itself has no obligation to disavow or remove comments which very clearly threatened some of its members if they crossed the picket line. … Continue Reading

Employee’s Social Media Passwords Are Private

The U.S. Congress followed Maryland’s lead and introduced bills in both houses which would prohibit employers from requiring prospective or current employees to provide their employer with passwords to their social media accounts such as Facebook and Twitter.  The bills make it an illegal invasion of the employee’s privacy. The Senate version of the law … Continue Reading

Polish Courts enter Facebook arena

You don’t have to be a new investor in Facebook stock to feel a little let down by social media sites at the moment.  Watching the value of your stake spiral earthwards by 15% in less than a week must be depressing if you are a bank or a pension fund, but it is not … Continue Reading

Social Media & the NLRB: Guidance for Employers

As reported earlier this year, labor and employment lawyers and human resource personnel look to new decisions to help shed light on one of the fastest growing issues for employers—managing employee use of social media. Earlier this month, the NLRB Acting General Counsel Lafe Solomon issued a report concerning nine recent cases that the agency … Continue Reading