Tag Archives: equality

Government launches gender pay gap consultation

The Government has today launched a consultation on its commitment to introduce regulations to require private and voluntary sector businesses with at least 250 employees in Great Britain to publish gender pay gap information.  A gender pay gap shows the difference between the average earnings of men and women as a percentage of men’s earnings.  … Continue Reading

“Womenomics” – harnessing the power of Japan’s most under-utilised natural resource

Gender is a hot topic in the business world at the moment – and nowhere more so than in Japan.     Back in January, Prime Minister Abe gave a special address at Davos in which he announced his intention to make Japan “a place where women shine.”    This week, he announced his Growth Strategy setting out … Continue Reading

No room at the inn for the “fundamental right to discriminate”

After a rare break from crass public utterances, Nick Griffin (MEP), was back on form last week, posting a controversial diatribe on Twitter about our supposed “fundamental right to discriminate.”  Mr Griffin embarked on an ill-considered rant against a gay couple after they won a landmark court case against a Berkshire Bed-and-Breakfast owner for discriminating … Continue Reading