So having made a “right to disconnect” for workers a manifesto promise pre-election, the new government must now do the less glamorous work of turning a political sound-bite into actual law. Early reports are not promising – they suggest a requirement to agree a code of conduct with your workforce in relation to out-of-hours contact, … Continue Reading
Free speech? Sacred touchstone of a civilised society or an invitation to the malicious, misguided and just plain stupid to voice their opinions without fear of retaliation? A bit of both, frankly, with that debate and that balance made all the more important by the growth of social media sites which allow those opinions to … Continue Reading
More hot news from the Department of Cheap Political Gestures earlier this week. Under the not even remotely inflammatory headline “Old Slackers Face the Boot” the Evening Standard Evening Standard – Politics RSS feed reports somewhat vaguely on new Government proposals to help employers with the tricky issue of raising retirement with their older staff. … Continue Reading
There are some interesting nuggets lurking within the Ministry of Justice statistics for the Employment Tribunal Service for the year to 31 March 2011, released this week. The figures record an overall number of claims in excess of 218,000 across the UK. The good news is that this is 8% down on 2009/10, but the … Continue Reading