Tag Archives: Contracts

The beginning of the end for personal service companies in the UK?

HMRC issued a consultation document on 17 July 2015 to explore options for tightening up IR35, the intermediaries legislation that aims to tackle tax avoidance through disguised employment. IR35 requires individuals working through an intermediary (e.g. a personal service company (PSC)) to pay broadly the same tax and NICs as any other employee, where they … Continue Reading

Transfer of undertakings in Poland – do non-competition covenants transfer with the employee?

Earlier this spring the Polish Supreme Court decided that a company taking over a business is not bound by the non-competition covenant entered into by the previous employer.   Normally you would expect the incoming employer to want the covenant to remain in force.  However, to enforce a post-termination non-competition clause in Poland requires the employer … Continue Reading

UK holiday pay decision not as clear-cut as it looks

The long-awaited decision of the Leicester Employment Tribunal in Lock -v- British Gas was issued yesterday.  It confirmed, as everyone knew, that holiday pay would have to include an element in respect of commissions, but it also provides for the first time a steer (using the word advisedly, for it is actually no more than … Continue Reading

US Appeals Court Says Collective Action Waiver in Separation Agreement Unenforceable As Improper Limit on FLSA Rights

As we’ve reported here and here, recent decisions from the US Supreme Court, federal appellate courts, and more recently, even the California Supreme Court (see here) have clarified that class and collective action waivers in arbitration agreements, including those that waive employees’ right to bring a claim under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) … Continue Reading