Tag Archives: bonus

New Direction and guidance on job retention bonus rules (UK)

Friday last week saw the issue of the fourth Treasury Direction to HMRC concerning the administration of the CJRS.  TD4 deals with the CJRS job retention bonus scheme, shamefully immortalised in the drafting as the CJRS(JR)B – what would have been so hard about “the Bonus”? Five and a bit pages of circumlocution and sub-sub-sub-paragraphs … Continue Reading

Belgian social partners reach agreement on employment conditions for the next two years. Or do they?

Group of 10 reaches agreement on employment conditions In the very early morning of 26 February, the Belgian social partners in the so-called Group of 10 (the main representatives of employers’ federations and trade unions) reached the bones of an agreement on employment conditions for 2019-2020. In this draft agreement, the margin for increases in … Continue Reading

Bonus agreements in Germany – Courts may determine amount of bonus payment instead of employer

The interpretation of bonus clauses in German employment contracts is a never-ending fountain of judicial discussions and disputes. Employers always try to achieve the greatest level of flexibility possible while employees naturally seek clear conditions that guarantee that the agreed bonus is paid once certain requirements are met. In light of recent cases in the … Continue Reading

Full of promise – employer comes unstuck in discretionary bonus scheme

Here is a recent case which contains lessons harder than A-Level Maths for employers with discretionary bonus schemes. Mr Hills was regional sales manager in the UK for Niksun Inc, a US-owned business whose website says that it is “the primary provider of full packet capture for DISA“.  No, nor me.  Niksun runs a bonus … Continue Reading

The UK “bump plan” – when childbirth is a bonus

Readers may have been seen BBC1’s Panorama programme earlier this week, which touched, amongst other things, on the so-called “bump plan.” Details of this entirely legal tax strategy came to be heard in unfortunate circumstances for a very highly regarded member of the tax profession, who has subsequently resigned his position on the GAAR panel- … Continue Reading