Dealing with employee absences and grievances in redundancy consultation You’ve delivered the at risk letter and sent the employee home on pay pending the formal consultation meeting. As an HR professional it is possible that your faith in human nature has become a little corroded over time, so you are not completely surprised when what … Continue Reading
Following on from a series of seminars we delivered in June about how to manage recruitment effectively, I read an interesting piece by Gillian Tett in the FT last week – “A pride that still dare not speak its name in business” (FT, Comments & Analysis, 20 June 2014). Tett highlights how executives still feel … Continue Reading
Are you neither complacent nor unduly sensitive or suspicious? Are you fair-minded, informed and balanced? Do you often catch buses in Clapham? In that case, the Employment Tribunal has just the job for you, a role integral to the administration of legal justice, though sadly not paid very well, or indeed at all. If you … Continue Reading