The UK Labour & Employment team runs a series of seminars and workshops on topical employment issues.

Join us at our April workshops when we will explore the key legal and practical issues that arise when dealing with flexible working requests in the workplace.

We will use a DVD clip featuring our fictional manager who is dealing (albeit reluctantly!) with a request to work flexibly. We will consider:

  • flexible working requests – how to handle them without exposing yourself to claims;
  • dealing with multiple requests – how do you choose?
  • how far must you go when considering requests to work on a job-share basis?
  • handling requests to work flexibly during the Olympics – with many businesses being urged to allow greater flexibility during Olympics 2012 we will explore the pros and cons of doing so.

This workshop is suitable for line managers who have to deal with flexible working requests, and for legal and HR professionals.  It will include an opportunity to ask questions of our Employment Law Specialists and to share experiences with others.

Please join us at one of our following offices:

•           17 April – Birmingham

•           19 April – Manchester

•           24 April – Leeds

•           26 April – London

The workshop will last 1 ½ hours and registration is at 8.45am for 9am start.

Cost: £40 plus VAT.