Tanja Weber

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Bureaucracy Relief Act – making it (slightly) easier to do business in Germany

On 1 January, the Fourth Bureaucracy Relief Act (Viertes Bürokratieentlastungsgesetz – “BEG IV”) came into effect. This legislation introduces significant changes to requirements around the form of contracts in Germany with the objective of simplifying certain administrative processes, among them the completion of employment contracts. What is the status quo? Until the end of last … Continue Reading

European elections: also sneaking into your company?

Between 23 and 26 May coming, more than 400 million European citizens will have the right to vote in the European Parliament elections, albeit some may perhaps do so more enthusiastically than others. Among those 400 million potential voters, a fair share are in active employment. So what do you need to know about the … Continue Reading

The sad smiley :( goes to court

Smileys are widely used in e-mails, text messages or on t-shirts, and are usually an expression of happiness but sometimes also of sorrow and other less attractive emotions. Regardless of where they are used, smileys have a meaning (my smartphone, for example, lets me take my pick of a staggering 43 variations, from Broken Heart … Continue Reading

General Compensation Clause in German Settlements Prevents Claims to Holiday Compensation

Since the decision of the Federal Labour Court (file no.: 9 AZR 844/11) on 14 May we finally have clarity around a longstanding question.   If a settlement is agreed that contains a clause which stipulates that all claims resulting from the employment relationship are excluded, this also covers holiday pay claims, according to the most … Continue Reading

Allgemeine Ausgleichsklausel im Vergleich verhindert Ansprüche auf Urlaubsabgeltung

Seit der Entscheidung des Bundesarbeitsgerichts (Aktenzeichen: 9 AZR 844/11) vom 14. Mai 2013 besteht endlich Klarheit: Wird ein Vergleich mit einer allgemeinen Ausgleichsklausel, wonach sämtliche gegenseitigen Ansprüche aus dem Arbeitsverhältnis ausgeschlossen sind, vereinbart, sind hiervon nach neuster Rechtsprechung auch Urlaubsabgeltungsansprüche erfasst. Bisher war eine allgemeine Ausgleichsklausel nicht ausreichend. Vielmehr bedurfte es im Vergleich einer eigenen … Continue Reading