Tag Archives: sexual harassment

Sexual harassment in the workplace, Part 6 – learning points from our recent panel event (UK)

On 25 September, we were joined at our London office by clients and contacts for a discussion on sexual harassment in the workplace, in particular the proposals set out by the UK government in its consultation document. The event was a great success and we are grateful to our panel of high profile speakers for … Continue Reading

Webinar: Hot topics in French Employment Law – What Employers Need to Know

Squire Patton Boggs presents a webinar to discuss current hot topics in French employment law and their impact on employers in France. The election of Emmanuel Macron as President in May 2017 led to an ambitious transformation of France’s labour laws. Following the extensive reforms launched in September 2017, the French government continues to implement … Continue Reading

UK Employment Tribunal awards £3.2m to woman called “Crazy Miss Cokehead” by colleagues

The woman who was called “Crazy Miss Cokehead” by her manager has been awarded nearly £3.2m by an Employment Tribunal for sexual harassment, reportedly including £44,000 for injury to feelings and a further £15,000 in aggravated damages. We originally posted a blog on this story in November 2013 https://www.employmentlawworldview.com/crazy-miss-cokehead-when-banter-goes-too-far/.  Following the liability hearing, the Tribunal … Continue Reading

Management Employees Critical of Company Investigations Are Not Protected by Title VII

Late in January 2013, the United States Supreme Court refused to hear a case, Brush v. Sears Holding Corporation, involving an employee who alleged that she was terminated in retaliation for criticizing her employer’s treatment of another employee’s sexual harassment claim.  Consequently, the Eleventh Circuit’s decision [pdf] stands.  The Court of Appeals found that complaining … Continue Reading