So here they are, out yesterday, a strange parallel universe where months last 30.44 days and years 365.25, and where you don’t include pay for periods of leave except when you do. In past blogs here we have criticised Government Regulations and statutory Guidance as too vague, leaving employers unclear whether they are caught by … Continue Reading
In May 2015 the Employment Rights Act was amended to include at Section 27A a provision which made unenforceable any requirement in a zero hours (ZH) contract that the worker could not work elsewhere or could do so only with the employer’s consent. But so what, really? Since many ZH staff are not employees, and … Continue Reading
As part of its push to simplify employment law and regulation, but using the word “simplicity” in its very loosest sense, the French Government has introduced new rules governing the use of part-time contracts. The key changes for French employers to note are that part-time employees must usually be offered a minimum of 24 hours’ … Continue Reading
Un avenant à la Convention collective des Bureau d’Etudes Techniques, Cabinets d’ingénieurs-conseils et Sociétés de Conseil dite « Syntec » signé le 1er avril 2014 a beaucoup fait parler de lui, notamment outre-manche. La presse étrangère a fait des gorges chaudes de ce texte. On a pu lire que cet accord concernait un million de salariés français, … Continue Reading