Tag Archives: Executive Order

DOL Issues Proposed Rule Implementing Executive Order on Paid Sick Leave For Federal Contractors

The Department of Labor (DOL) has announced a Proposed Rule [pdf] to implement Executive Order 13706, Establishing Paid Sick Leave for federal contractors.  As we previously reported, under that Order, beginning January 1, 2017 federal contractors and subcontractors must grant each employee working under covered contracts (or covered subcontracts) one hour of paid sick leave … Continue Reading

State Law Update! Sick Leave Saga Continues…. Also, D.C. Paid Family Leave, Colorado Makes A Few Changes and Oregon Bans The Box

Early this week, the Pittsburgh City Controller’s Office launched a new section on its website containing resources for employers, including regulations, required postings, and an FAQ section regarding the city’s paid sick leave ordinance [pdf], passed in August.  Under the ordinance, starting on January 11, 2016, employers must grant employees working in Pittsburgh 1 hour … Continue Reading

US President Obama Signs Executive Order Banning Discrimination Against LGBT Federal Employees and Contractors

Fulfilling a 2008 campaign promise, on July 21, 2014, President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order banning workplace discrimination against millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees of the federal government , as well as federal contractors and sub-contractors providing services to the federal government. The Executive Order makes it illegal to fire or … Continue Reading