Although drug and alcohol testing is generally recognised in Australia as forming part of an employer’s armoury for managing its health and safety obligations, a recent Fair Work Commission decision has provided a salutary reminder that employers in Australia which fail to follow best practice when conducting such tests risk being on the wrong end … Continue Reading
Hold the front page! Employees may face alcohol testing at work shock horror, etc., according to Tuesday’s Metro. Apparently a new finger-touch testing device is now ready for launch, which can give a red or green light for alcohol in the blood stream in just 10 seconds, allowing for the “processing” of up to 300 … Continue Reading
In March, we blogged about the new Arizona Medical Marijuana Act and the confusion the new law was sure to create for Arizona employers who have employees who are medical marijuana users. Arizona’s legislature responded to the concerns and enacted House Bill 2541, which clarifies when employers may terminate or take other adverse actions against … Continue Reading
Most US employers naturally have little tolerance for employees’ arriving to work under the influence of any illegal drug, including marijuana. Many Arizona employers have drug and alcohol testing policies which absolutely prohibit being at work possessing or being under the influence of marijuana and will often summarily terminate the employment of a marijuana-using violator. … Continue Reading