In Belgian law, there are certain periods of employment during which there are greater than usual restrictions on an employer’s ability to dismiss an employee. These include periods of maternity, parental and other types of care leave. Parting company with employees during any period when they are protected against dismissal can become a costly affair, … Continue Reading
You are hearing the appeal of an employee with less than two years’ service dismissed on the grounds of admitted poor conduct. What can possibly go wrong? Certainly not the seeming afterthought on the employee’s part, not mentioned at the dismissal stage, that her conduct might in part be explained by a depressive condition of … Continue Reading
Your employee is sick a lot, mostly stress and related issues. Keen to respect your statutory obligations if you have any, you repeatedly ask your external Occupational Health provider if this means he is disabled. You are repeatedly told that he is not, though without any particular depth of enquiry on your part and without … Continue Reading
Are bankers deserving of your pity? That depends on how you define “banker”. If you mean one of the minuscule group (often said to be less than a thousand) who could genuinely be said to be personally culpable in causing the financial crisis in 2008, then clearly not. But if you mean any other of … Continue Reading