Equal treatment

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Standing up for equality in the UK: should pregnant women have seats in Parliament?

What a shame.  It would have been a great story, one almost worthy of the Daily Mail’s front page coverage of it last week.  Apparently “sources close to” heavily-pregnant Equality Minister Jo Swinson reported her taking the view that it would have been “sexist” for any of male MPs to offer her his seat rather … Continue Reading

Coronation Street, two Advocate Generals and surrogacy in Europe

Hot on the tail of UK soap opera Coronation Street’s recent surrogacy plot line (so I have been told) are two recent Advocate General opinions on the topic of intended mothers’ rights to maternity leave under the EU Pregnancy Working Directive (PWD). Unhelpfully, one opinion states that intended mothers are entitled to maternity leave and … Continue Reading

Agency Workers Regulations 2010: 8 Tribunal claims relating to the “switch” on to a Pay Between Assignments/Swedish Derogation contract were dismissed

In Bray & others v Monarch Personnel Refuelling (UK) Limited, Monarch (the agency) supplied the 8 Claimants to BP as tanker drivers. BP had permanent employees who performed the same role and were paid 70p an hour more than the agency workers. The Agency Workers Regulations 2010 give agency workers the right to equal treatment … Continue Reading