If you’ve been keeping up with my pensions auto-enrolment posts over the last few weeks you will now officially be able to call yourself an expert on the subject*. In honour of this, I’ve put together a short quiz based on some interesting auto-enrolment facts and figures you might not be aware of. The answers … Continue Reading
The obligation to enrol employees into a ‘qualifying scheme’ applies (unless an exception applies) to employers with one worker as much as it does to those with 200,000. Thankfully, the Government has realised that it would be difficult for a very small company to offer the same pension arrangement as a multinational corporation. Consequently, a … Continue Reading
Here’s a puzzle: so you’ve pulled some strings and booked Dolly Parton to come and perform in a one month tour of your UK offices over the Christmas period. Does this mean you’d have to auto-enrol Dolly in your pension scheme? Employers’ auto-enrolment obligations apply to ‘workers’. That means anyone with a contract of employment … Continue Reading
In not quite breaking news: on October 2012 a long-heralded employer duty was introduced into UK law, under which employers must automatically enroll workers into suitable pension plans and pay contributions into those plans. Though at the time placing one’s head firmly in the sand might have been very tempting, the new law is now … Continue Reading