Squire Sanders presents a series of webinars focussing on the key labour and employment issues in various countries throughout Europe, Asia Pacific and the United States.
On 30 October 2013 at 9 am GMT (10 am CET, 5 pm AWST (Perth), 8 pm AEDT (Sydney)) the featured country is Australia. Join Bruno Di Girolami from Squire Sanders’ Perth office and Anna Elliott from Sydney who will discuss significant developments in Australian workplace laws, including:
- important case law developments in 2013;
- recent and forthcoming changes to the Fair Work Act 2009(Cth), namely the:
- significant expansion of the right to request flexible working arrangements;
- changes to family friendly provisions relating to pregnancy and parental leave; and
- new anti-bullying provisions that will entitle workers to bypass their employer and lodge bullying claims directly with the Fair Work Commission, potentially resulting in substantial civil penalties for the employer and accused employees;
- the impact on private sector employers of the recently-introduced gender reporting requirements; and
- how last month’s change of Government might affect future developments in Australian labour law and employment legislation.
The main webinar presentation will last 45 minutes, followed by a 15 minute question and answer session.