On November 8, 2017, the U.S. Senate confirmed by a vote of 49-46 Peter Robb to serve as General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board.  Mr. Robb succeeds former NLRB General Counsel Richard Griffin, whose term expired in October 2017.

As General Counsel, Mr. Robb will serve as the NLRB’s top prosecutor.  In that role, he will exercise his discretion in enforcing the National Labor Relations Act, supervising the NLRB’s network of regional offices and determining which cases to bring before the Board.  As a long-time management-side labor lawyer, Mr. Robb’s appointment is anticipated to result in cases being brought before the Board that will provide vehicles to reverse many of the pro-employee, pro-labor decisions that were decided during former GC Griffin’s tenure, particularly now that the Board is comprised of a majority of Republican appointees (Chairman Miscimarra and Members Emanuel and Kaplan).