Two weeks ago, the Supreme Court refused British Gas consent to appeal the Lock holiday pay case any further, finally putting an end to the five year saga of whether an element in respect of commission should have been included in Mr Lock’s holiday pay. Mr Lock himself has long lost interest and left British … Continue Reading
Never, as Winston Churchill would certainly not have said, has any Court judgement awaited so eagerly by so many said so little about so much. The Court of Appeal has now issued its ruling in the Lock holiday pay case, confirming that the Working Time Regulations can and should be read to entitle employees to … Continue Reading
Right, there it is, and still no one really any the wiser as to what to do about it. The decision of the Employment Appeal Tribunal in British Gas -v- Lock Lock v British Gas reaches the inevitable conclusion that some commissions must be included in the calculation of holiday pay, but offers no help … Continue Reading
The long-awaited decision of the Leicester Employment Tribunal in Lock -v- British Gas was issued yesterday. It confirmed, as everyone knew, that holiday pay would have to include an element in respect of commissions, but it also provides for the first time a steer (using the word advisedly, for it is actually no more than … Continue Reading