Employers are relieved! One of the most talked-about provisions of the Macron ordinances has been confirmed as valid by the French Court of Cassation (Supreme Court). The cap on compensation for unfair dismissal, which was contested by several industrial tribunals, was confirmed as consistent with international texts ratified by France.… Continue Reading
Squire Patton Boggs presents a webinar to discuss current hot topics in French employment law and their impact on employers in France. The election of Emmanuel Macron as President in May 2017 led to an ambitious transformation of France’s labour laws. Following the extensive reforms launched in September 2017, the French government continues to implement … Continue Reading
If you’ve been compulsively checking your works email throughout the holiday season, why not take the opportunity to relocate to France? Since January 1 this year French workers have had the “right to disconnect” outside work hours, say all the Press reports, but the reality is slightly different. The new law lays down no absolute … Continue Reading
A recent case before the French Supreme Court acts as a stark warning to employers of the importance of complying with the requirements in the French Labour Code to display their internal rules in the workplace. After the discovery of empty bottles of alcohol in the employees’ changing room, an employer required one of its … Continue Reading
In April 2014 France introduced the so-called “Florange Law”. This obliged companies with more than 1,000 employees in France (or across Europe) to make “best efforts” to seek a buyer before closing an establishment and making large scale redundancies. On 30 October 2015 the French Government issued a Decree to address certain questions which remained … Continue Reading
France’s Parliament passed a law on February 24, obliging companies with more than 1,000 employees to prove they have exhausted options for selling a plant (and so preserving all or some of the jobs there) before closing it. This is applicable to shut-downs initiated as from April 1st 2014. The Works Council will have to … Continue Reading
Under French law, the employer must take all necessary measures to protect the “security” as well as physical and mental health of its employees. This includes the obligation to assess the psychological and social risks linked to the activities of the business. In cases of work-related illness recognised as such by the Social Security Administration … Continue Reading
“As the official language of the Republic according to the Constitution, French represents an essential part of both the personality and the national heritage of France. (…)”. (art. 1 of the 7 August, 1994 law on the use of French language). Anxious to preserve a fundamental element of the French cultural heritage, legislators have imposed … Continue Reading
The Social Chamber of the French Supreme Court has just handed down an important decision for French employers in the case of Viveo. In doing so it overturned the Paris Court of Appeal which controversially ruled in May 2011 that if the economic reasoning relied on by an employer to justify proposed collective redundancies was … Continue Reading