Miriam Lampert

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Twitter sinks teeth into dentist over cancer dismissal

The latest Employment nightmare doing the rounds on Twitter courtesy of the Huffington Post is what can only be described as a gob-smackingly insensitive letter from one Dr V., an “oral surgeon” from Pennsylvania. On being informed by one of his employees of 12 years’ loyal service that she had been diagnosed with cancer of … Continue Reading

The Pitfalls of Shark Wrestling

You have to feel sorry for Paul Marshallsea of Merthyr Tydfil,  Wales, sacked by his outraged employer after online footage went around the world showing him wrestling away a six-foot shark as it threatened children playing off a beach in Australia.   The reason for the employer’s outrage – at the time of his shark-wrestling exploits, … Continue Reading

John Galliano falls out of fashion

The news about John Galliano’s alleged racist and anti-semitic outburst in a bar in Paris is a stark reminder to employees that their actions outside work can impact upon their employment. Although Galliano was not at work or at a work event when the incident is alleged to have happened, Christian Dior has reacted quickly … Continue Reading