Clare McNicholas

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Latest UK statistics on gender pay gap – movement in the right direction

According to data published today (26 October) by the Office for National Statistics in its Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, the overall gender pay gap (taking into account both full-time and part-time employees) has fallen from 19.3% in 2015 to 18.1% in 2016.  This is apparently the largest year-on-year drop since 2010. The gender … Continue Reading

Is your Modern Slavery Act statement ready?

A reminder for those businesses caught by the Modern Slavery Act reporting provisions that the deadline for publishing your first “slavery and human trafficking statement” may be fast approaching. The Act imposes a new requirement on commercial organisations carrying on business in the UK with an annual turnover of £36 million or more to disclose … Continue Reading

UK employer obliged to offer pay protection to disabled employee who was redeployed

UK employers take note – the Employment Appeal Tribunal has recently ruled that an employer was obliged to continue paying a disabled employee his full salary even though he had been redeployed into a less well paid role because he could no longer carry out his normal duties as a result of his disability.  Such … Continue Reading

Recent redundancy exercises – learning points for HR, part 4

Managing redundancy for those on maternity leave Many employers get nervous when carrying out redundancy exercises if the selection pool includes a woman who is pregnant or on maternity leave.  The risk of a claim for discrimination or an unfair dismissal claim if she is made redundant is often on their mind. The fact that … Continue Reading

Recent redundancy exercises – learning points for HR, Part 1

Large-scale redundancies may not be happening (fortunately) to the same extent as in the aftermath of the financial crash of 2008 (and it’s too early to talk meaningfully about the possible implications of Brexit), but we are still often asked to advise clients in connection with smaller-scale redundancy exercises, often arising as a result of … Continue Reading

Childcare Vouchers Can be Lawfully Discontinued During Maternity Leave

We frequently receive queries from clients about what happens to childcare vouchers provided via a salary sacrifice scheme during maternity leave – are they a benefit that must continue to be provided or can they lawfully be discontinued? Needless to say, as with anything to do with the rights of women during maternity leave (I’m … Continue Reading

Squire Sanders Webinar Series: Employment Laws Around the Globe – Russia

Squire Sanders presents a series of monthly webinars featuring the employment laws of various key countries throughout Europe, Asia Pacific and the Americas. These webinars will provide participants with an understanding of the essential characteristics of the employment laws in these countries from starting a business and developing employment policies to dealing with unions and … Continue Reading