Tag Archives: dismissal

Porn again – professor sacked for beaming porn on white board during lesson

While it is not beyond belief that students with tablets and smart phones might surreptitiously occupy their minds elsewhere during a lecture, this year’s Employmentlawworldview Oscar for Best Multitasking must surely go to the Swiss professor dismissed last week for watching porn while giving a lecture.  What poise, what practice, what confidence that must take, … Continue Reading

When straight talking goes too far

In a recent post on this blog, “Words Fail Me, I’m a Manager,” David Whincup explored the use of euphemisms in the world of employment relations.  This is the world where managers, finding it difficult to look employees in the eye, choose email, or better still, text messages to communicate difficult messages, using such choice … Continue Reading

UK Zero hours: the debate goes on

From time to time, a subject will capture the public’s (or at least the media’s) attention.  As a result, something which has gone on for many years either unnoticed or at least without comment or apparent controversy, suddenly becomes the focus of heated debate about inequity, political attention and the demand for fairness and change. … Continue Reading

Liam Gallagher and Iowa dentist caught in compromising position

Back in January we ran a post concerning the dismissal of an Iowa dentist’s assistant because of the threat which his wife considered she posed to the stability of their marriage.  We floated there the question of whether a dismissal on those grounds – anticipated repudiatory breach of contract, if you like – could be … Continue Reading

Can a hand grenade blow up a banking career?

Hot on the heels of the hapless Shearman & Sterling trainee and his inappropriate emails (see post 20 February), transatlantic financial news site hereisthecitynews http://hereisthecity.com/ brings word of another promising candidate for the 2012 Employment Law Worldview Career Suicide Awards.  Imagine that you work for an international bank in one of the largest skyscrapers in … Continue Reading

Squire Sanders Webinar Series: Employment Laws Around the Globe – France

Squire Sanders is presenting a series of monthly webinars featuring the employment laws of various key countries throughout Europe, Asia Pacific and the Americas. These webinars provide participants with an understanding of the essential characteristics of the employment laws in these countries from starting a business and developing employment policies to dealing with unions and … Continue Reading

Knowing who your friends are – misconduct on site

Eschewing the usual idea of taking a career break to find oneself, re-charge one’s batteries or complete that property project, one client’s employee was both bold enough to seek the time off to a spot of podium dancing in Ibiza, and lucky enough that it was still granted. However, the attractions of gyrating about in … Continue Reading

John Galliano falls out of fashion

The news about John Galliano’s alleged racist and anti-semitic outburst in a bar in Paris is a stark reminder to employees that their actions outside work can impact upon their employment. Although Galliano was not at work or at a work event when the incident is alleged to have happened, Christian Dior has reacted quickly … Continue Reading